The Translation and Conference Interpreting Programme, Department of English


The Translation and Conference Interpreting Programme is the second study programme of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, and can be entered after passing an entrance exam. This programme has a curriculum which covers a three-year cycle of studies and is based on the transfer credit system (180 ECTS, 6 semesters) plus the 30 credits allocated for the graduation exam.

Six foreign languages participate in this programme: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian, of which the students are expected to take two.

The existence of this programme with the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures has been made possible by the fact that the Faculty employs the academic personnel necessary to teach in such a highly specialized programme. The teaching staff are hugely qualified and have all the prerequisites to educate the students of this programme. The staff is comprised of more than 30 academics who have hands-on experience in the field of translation and conference interpreting, who have attended numerous specialized training courses and who obviously have the capacity to effectively and efficiently man this department. At the same time, the department has the facilities needed to provide such specialized training and education to its students: technical libraries and conference interpreting laboratories as well as computer centres which have been acquired as a result of participating in various grants and international financing programs.

The curriculum covers three types of courses: core courses (language structure and language practice), specialized courses (cultural studies, specialized languages (EU Institutions, Business, Law, and International Organizations), terminology, lexicology, translation theory and practice, consecutive interpretation theory and practice) as well as complementary courses (a third language offered additionally to students). It is important to mention that the core and specialized courses cover both languages of a student’s choice. In other words, both languages in the student’s language combination benefit from the same number of classes per week, which ensures a level playing field for both students and teaching staff.

All these courses combine the latest theoretical approaches in translation and interpreting studies and the practical training necessary to students who want to pursue a career as translators, interpreters or terminologists.

The assessment system has three components, as follows: a mid-term exam accounting for 30% of the final grade, a semester project accounting for 30% of the final grade and a final exam accounting for 40% of the final grade.

The entrance exam includes a four-hour written test which is divided in two halves: one half for testing the candidate’s knowledge of the major language in his language combination, and the second half for testing his knowledge of Romanian grammar and vocabulary. As a general rule, the foreign language test includes a translation from Romanian into the foreign language, a translation from the foreign language into Romanian, a number of exercises checking the candidate’s practical knowledge of grammar and a comprehension exercise.

The future graduates of this programme may envisage careers such as specialized translators, consecutive interpreters, international officials, including European officials, terminologists.

Contact person: Prof. dr. Roxana-Cristina Petcu,

FLLS Secretariat: Str. Edgar Quinet, nr. 5-7, et. 2, Phone: 004 021 314 8965, Secretar-șef: Raluca Hassan