Anul universitar 2022–2023, semestrul 2

Cursuri opţionale pentru studenții de la Limba și Literatura Engleză A și Limba și Literatura Engleză B, anul III

Frecvența la cursurile opționale este obligatorie.

Regimul opțional al cursurilor opționale (Opțional 1 engleză, Opțional 2 engleză și Opțional) este datorat faptului că pot fi alese dintr-o serie de cursuri.

Prezentările cursurilor opţionale :

Varieties of English

Avram, Andrei

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Language and Mind

Avram, Larisa

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On the Sequence of Tenses and Moods in English and Romance

Cornilescu, Alexandra

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Control and Raising in English Non-finite Complements

Cotfas, Maria Aurelia

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An Introduction to Suprasegmental Phonology 

Mateescu, Dan 

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Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory

Tigău, Alina Mihaela

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Transfiguration: The Adaptation of Anglophone Literature into Music

Bottez, Alina Monica

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The Other Hamlet. Shakespeare’s Play in the Visual Arts 

Gogeanu, Ioana 

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Narcissistic Art: Twentieth Century British Metafiction, Metadrama and Metacinema

Paris-Popa, Andreea Cristina

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A Gallery of Faulknerian Protagonists

Peiu, Anca Georgeta

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Familiar Perpetrators: On the Intimacy of Evil in Contemporary American Literature and Popular Culture

Precup, Mihaela

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The Pendulum of History: Paradigm Shifts in Literature and Science/Technology and The Rise of SF/Fantasy in American and British Context (II) – An interactive course/workshop – with Focus on Time-Travel Narratives and the Student’s Choice from the course bibliography

Stroe, Ștefan Mihai

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